Thursday, June 18, 2009


Scrappy Lengthwise Scarf, by TwirlGirlFibers

Lots of knitters are participating in the guild's first knit-a-long and the results should be fun to see. The pattern we are using is the SCRAPPY LENGTHWISE SCARF found on Ravelry (Ravelry link, regular weblink for non-Ravelers). It is a terrific stash buster, easy to knit and utilizes the linen or woven stitch pattern. Some people are starting the project in sock yarn, others aran weight and everything in between. Very colorful results. You can create a thin scarf or a blanket as the width and length are all under your control.

Here are some hints for the scarf we shared at the last guild meeting:
1. Put a marker or safety pin on one side, so you know that is THE KNIT SIDE.
2. Do not cut off your knitted ball until you start the next yarn choice. Both ends are alike and it is just easier to identify your finish/start point by having some kind of marking at the point you finish the row.
3. Finish the scarf with fringe or braided fringe because all those ends make the scarf bulky at the ends if you try to weave each end in.
4. Consider using a varigated yarn.
5. Consider changing your yarn every row. Your stitches will form alternate colors on the needle. 6. Bind off loosely.

We will work on this knit-a-long project for a few months at the guild meetings. If you have questions, come to the Tuesday night knitting gathering at MSU's Barnes & Noble (5:30 - 8pm). Several people working on the project attend that group meeting. It is a very relaxed atmosphere and you are welcome to pop in!

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